Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Planning Board Materials

Here is a great planning tool for using reading strategies before, during, and after reading:http://cis.pasco.k12.fl.us/criss/pages/plans/LesPlan.pdf

HFW Vocabulary Lists for Standardized Tests

The Tampa Reads High Frequency Word list has the most essential vocabulary to perform on standardized tests by grade level and week: http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=3749477.

Monday, November 10, 2008

4th Grade Writing Resources from Austin ISD

Austin ISD has a comprehensive writing camp available online: http://www.austinschools.org/matrix/treeview/demoFrameset.html

Remember to cover the following prompt topics: Favorite Things, Friends, Places, Someone Special, and Time. Look in the folder titled Writing Camps for materials.

Smart Board, or Computer-Based Power Point

Thanks to the 4th grade team at Bell for introducing the Jefferson County Schools Powerpoint Collection: http://jc-schools.net/ppt.html

This great collection covers all subjects.

The Writing Academy Order Form

I know all of the teachers who attended the Writing Academy Training were interested in the curriculum. To order click here to download the form: http://www.twa.net/order.htm

Reading Assessment Anyone?

Want to target instruction and get a very accurate picture of a student's reading ability? Use this searchable database by SEDL.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Compare and Contrast Project Criss Srategies and Marzano Strategies

Here's a link to the Marzano/Criss Matrix:

This has Criss strategies divided by before reading, during reading, and after reading:

Readers and Writers Workshop in Action

Visit Jennifer Myers class in California...via video. Here's a space full of great videos of student conferencing, mini-lessons, and settting norms in action.
